Sunday, October 6, 2013

Part 13 - There Is Power In Your Words!!! CAUTION: EXPLICIT CONTENT

     As you have seen in the title for this post, as well as the very large advisory, this week's post will include some explicit language.  I am going to cover an issue I have had to deal with all of my life and one that I am sure I am not alone in.
       I am going to address how words have been used to hurt me directly related to my weight.  However, I do not intend to come from a place of victimization, but rather, I would like to perhaps be able to show others that their words do far more damage than they may realize.  I, first and foremost, am a supporter of the 1st amendment.  For those who are not sure what that is, here you are...

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

     I am focusing specifically on the part highlighted in red.  I will NEVER tell a person that they do not have the right to say something.  In today's world of over sensitivity, we have actually gone to such lengths as BANNING words, a practice I find absolutely ridiculous. Words such as nigger, faggot, and retard are being "banned" by certain groups or they are being substituted with "the N, F, or R word" respectively, as if that particular manifestation doesn't make you immediately know what word is being referenced.  Even though I do not believe in "banning" any words, I ask these self-righteous people supporting these movements, why do you not push to ban other words such as, "fat-ass", "tub-a-lard", "piggy", or "wide load"?  All of which have been used to describe over-weight people and all of which cause just as much pain.  
     I don't support the banning of words for one simple reason.  We as free Americans do not have the right to not be offended!  

"What is freedom of expression?  Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist."
-Salman Rushdie-

     I cannot claim my right to the freedom of speech if I am not willing to let everyone have that same right.  So that leads me to how would I address my point this week of how words have been used to hurt me in relation to my weight issues.  It is simple...
"You can change your world by changing your words... Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue."
-Joel Osteen-

     I cannot force others to use or not use certain words but I can choose what words I do or do not use and I hope to show others that they have a choice in how they affect the lives of overweight people struggling day by day.  I am not, by any means, perfect in regards to this practice and I have, sadly, used my words to hurt others in the past.  It took a very dear friend of mine to show me just how hurtful my words could be and now I try hard to not use certain hurtful language.  I believe that if you are at a show, concert, gathering, or just watching the good old TV and you find yourself offended by language, you always have the right to walk away or turn the chanel.  I will not defend the stupidity that some people spew but I will defend their right to spew it.  

The Power of Words

'Tis a strange mystery, the power of words!
Life is in them, and death. A word can send
The crimson colour hurrying to the cheek.
Hurrying with many meanings; or can turn
The current cold and deadly to the heart.
Anger and fear are in them; grief and joy
Are on their sound; yet slight, impalpable:--
A word is but a breath of passing air.
  -Letitia Elizabeth Landon-

     For those out there that will say that I am out of line for trying to compare the abuse and struggles of an overweight person to those of these other groups, please, allow me educate you with a few excerpts from an article I have researched:

Morbid Obesity, Depression, and Suicide
 by Kevin Caruso

     A study on morbid obesity and depression that appeared in the American Journal of Epidemiology indicates that people who are morbidly obese are five times more likely to be depressed than those who are not.

     As a rough guide, women of average height who weigh 240 pounds or more, and men of average height who weigh 280 pounds or more are probably morbidly obese.

     People who are morbidly obese not only have to deal with the extra weight on their bodies, but also a social stigma associated with obesity. 

     Clearly, the social stigma can be contributory to the onset of depression. 

     The findings in the study that morbidly obese people are five times more likely to be depressed than those who are not also means that people who are morbidly obese are at a high risk for suicide. 

     Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps you may have said something that you thought would just be a funny joke to your friends but to somebody struggling it was the final straw?  I know that I personally, have never stopped to consider what I was saying or what damage I may have done with a simple throwaway line.  I was always the victim and now I have to own my actions and I hope that I can show some people out there that words can build or destroy with how they are used.  
     Those that know me know that I am a HUGE comic book fan so I included this poster in this week's blog for two reasons.  First, it is a classic lesson that has been with Spider-man since his beginning and it is appropriate for this discussion.  "With great power comes great responsibility."  To have the gift of words is one of the greatest powers a person can receive, therefore, we must also accept the mantle of great responsibility for our words.  Secondly, I just thought it was very cool to have Spidey in one of my blogs!  Yeah, yeah I know, I am a kid at heart, what do you want?  I choose to be a builder of those around me and not a destroyer and I choose to surround myself with other builders so we all can succeed!  I also believe that we must start setting better examples for our youth.  We must raise them up to be more responsible with their language rather that just trying to "ban" words from them.  I know that I personally would always try to learn the words that were "bad" when I was a youngster.  Heck, I am not saying that this actually happened but, perhaps, I may have been about 5 years old and got caught practice "swearing" at my dining room table all alone.  I also, may have said I was "practicing" for school.  Like I said, if we continue "banning" words then we are only asking our youth to go looking for them.  I can remember a man we used to call Uncle Paul would always offer me snippets of wisdom.  One particular offering stands out to me.  He would say, "If you want to change the world, you have to start teaching them young, for the young hold our futures in their hands."  In his own strange way, Uncle Paul was right.  If we teach our youth to own their words and be responsible with using them, nothing will stop the change that will come.  
     Well, I guess that will be enough for this week's edition of The Rendering.  I hope that you all can take with you something that will help you become a builder of not only yourselves but of others.  I guess that I should post the numbers for you all before I close out for this week...
   That's right, I did it! LOL I have lost the 3 lbs. that I somehow managed to find last week.  That means that I am back to a total of 120 lbs. lost overall.  I still find that number astounding.  I am scratching and clawing my way down but I will take it as long as it keeps going down.  Since this is the first post for October that means time for a waist measurement.  My waist now measures 68.5"!  I have lost a total of 5.5" from my waist!  With that folks, I am going to once again say thank you to all who read and support, not only my blog, but also my whole journey.  Thank you for helping me build towards my success and I hope that I am doing the same for you all.  Remember, you can change your world by changing your words and believe me; we are changing lives and changing the world.  Much love and God bless you all.  VIVE LA FAT REVOLUTION!!!  To be continued...


  1. Ok. I officially want to start a new trend. I want to post a pic of my scales every week as a response to your blog......I'm stepping out in faith that if I make this public, I will get off my butt and get healthy. But I don't know how to post pics here.....any suggestions?

  2. Congratulations on the loss. .m

  3. Michael you continue to inspire me. Thank you for you brutal honesty
