Sunday, September 29, 2013

Part 12 - A Man's Got To Do What A Man's Got To Do!!!

     Who could have put it any better than The Duke?  The quintessential man's man made it simple.  Sometimes in life we all have to face difficult obstacles that may slow us down but we can't let them stop us.
     This past week has been an especially troubling one for me. When I started this blog and invited all of you to go on this journey with me I said that this would be an open and honest forum.  So I will hit you all with the numbers early...
     There it is for all to see.  Yep, that's right, up 3 lbs.  That in turn, means that my total weight loss by the pound drops 3 lbs. to 117 lbs.  As I also stated in the very beginning, I would have weeks that I would show a gain as well.  This is one of those particular weeks.  I can't say that I am overly shocked that I put on some weight.  I was not vigilant this week and I will admit, that even though last week's post was all about "no excuses", oh boy, did I ever find myself trying to excuse my break in routine.  Well, I guess that just proves that I too, am human.  
     I had originally planned to take a "hiatus" from my life in general for about a week.  Sadly, that hiatus would have included both my Weight Watchers meeting and my blog.  I was overwhelmed with so many different things affecting me this past week that I needed to shut down and reboot.  I needed a chance to let my processors cool.  I figured that if I could just step back and not have to try to juggle everything in my head I could sharpen my focus on what matters.  I did, however, decide to write the blog for a few different reasons.  I find that as I write, it is almost a cathartic experience and that, in fact, it helps me to deal with some of the overwhelming nature of my own mind.  I also feel that this has been a safe place for me to just "vent" and not be judged.  I know that all of you are supporting me and that we all can understand these trials and tribulations.  I was also afraid that my writing was becoming a bit "forced".  I must remain genuine during this journey.  I would rather not write at all as opposed to giving you all something that wasn't heartfelt and honest.  I thought that maybe a break would refresh my point of view.  Lastly on this subject, I didn't want any of you that are readers, followers, or, and most importantly to me, folks fighting their own personal fight with obesity, to think that I was not going to write because I had a small gain.  There is a special person that always seems to be able to inspire me when I am blocked, discouraged, or overwhelmed with writing and once again she came through when I needed it.  I would like to thank her for that.  This is what she said...not in these exact words but it conveyed the same meaning and I liked this...
     This idea truly spoke to me.  I allowed so many things and people to get into my head this past week and doubt start tickling around in there as well.  My body was physically fighting me with migraines and flu like symptoms.  My mind was bringing back old hurts and betrayals.  Worries about my financial situation and job and car and what ever else were being piled on.  It was like having a hurricane in your head and all you can do is just hang on.
     That is just what I did.  I hunkered down and held on.  While I was holding on I found what I needed.  I found the key that would refresh me.  As it turned out, all that I needed was to laugh.  Not just laugh, but laugh hard, a true belly laugh.  Who is better equipped than I to "belly" laugh.  Once I started laughing I could feel the tension and worry melt away.  My next step was to just get away for a bit, so I went to see my Godchildren.  There is little in this world that can bother me when I am around those two wonders from God.  As the storm in my mind abated, I was able to look back and truly appreciate just how far I have come.  Seeing all of that success, I was able to easily look forward and say, "Bring it!".  I ask all of you to please take a moment to appreciate how far you have come in your own journeys.  Maybe it is a foot or maybe it is a mile, either way take a few moments for yourself and revel in the afterglow.  I know I have a long journey ahead, but I know I will make it and so will all of you no matter what your personal journey is.  WE ARE INVINCIBLE!!!
     When I think about the times when it appears that trouble is just piling up on all sides, I am reminded, yet again, of something my old friend, Jerry Shepardini, used to tell me.  He would say, "some days you eat the bear, and some days the bear eats you".  I have a little message for my good old friend the bear...
...I am just as sharp and focused as I ever was before, even more so!  I am coming for you and your buddy!
     Perhaps, you are still having trouble with the fact that, in this instance, I lost ground in my journey by gaining a little weight.  I know, for a fact, that there are some that read this blog that feel stumbling and backsliding are bad things.  Well, here is a little visual aid that may help you, especially if you are a fan of football.
Every once in a while, the quarterback gets put on his ass.  More often than not, this will result in a loss of yards, but by no way does that mean he gives up.  A good QB will step back up and move forward with a determined aggression and that is what we MUST do!  Ok ok ok.... I know...don't beat a dead horse but I had that great picture of Tom Brady getting, what I am sure was not pleasant, planted and it made me very happy so I used it.  LOL
     With all of that said I will wrap this up for this week.  I am very optimistic about the coming week and I will embrace it good or bad because a man's got to do what a man's got to do (or woman).  As always, I thank you all so much for all of your support for The Rendering and for me.  Without people who pat you on the back and say "great job" I may not be where I am today.  Please, help others that might be struggling by sharing this blog on your Facebook pages and your twitter feeds or email blasts or news letters or billboards or smoke signals or Morse code.  Send out carrier pigeons with little scrolls on their ankles, tell the produce boy at the local store, teach your dog to talk and send him out to tell others.  Heck, hire a skywriter.... do ya get it?  LOL Let's get the word out.  We can and are changing lives and rendering useless pounds away.  Much love and God bless you all.  VIVE LA FAT REVOLUTION!!!  To be continued...


  1. Great Blog Mike! Veronica

  2. Mike: I'm a WW Leader from Oklahoma. What a great blog you have started. WEIGH TO GO! I'm going to share your blog in my meeting. So proud of your success. Keep up the good work. You will get there and YOU will help so many others along the way.
    When the world says, "Give up,"
    Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
    ~Author Unknown

  3. Mike:
    I too enjoyed reading your blog, and am awed by your success. Keep up the good work, Mike! We learn through every experience...even the gains. Wishing you continued success. If you work the plan, the plan works. Keep On, Brother!

