Sunday, November 24, 2013

Part 20 - A Season Of Thankfulness

     Hello and welcome all to Part 20 of The Rendering!  I am actually a bit behind in writing this week's post for a number of reasons but no worries, the keys on my keyboard are just a tapping!  Yes, Veronica, there will be a blog this
     I feel like I have so much to say this week but I am having trouble deciding just what to focus on.  I want to veer away a bit from focusing on the numbers and the techniques or methods I am using and talk a little about the Thanksgiving season.  I will still be posting my numbers and chatting a bit about that but I am going to share with you all some of the blessings in my life that I have to be thankful for.  
     Every now and again I try to step away from myself and evaluate the person I am, compared to the person that I want to be.  I have recently done this and was saddened by how much actual negativity I was focusing on and, for lack of a better term, spewing out.  I will take that as a lesson and try to focus on the positive because I must accept that I cannot prosper in negativity.  I pushed aside the negative thoughts and I was amazed and humbled by all of the blessings that I do have.  
     Above all else, I must thank God for so many things in my life.  For calling me back to His church and for all of the good and bad things that happen to me.  I say the good AND the bad because I know that God has a plan for my life and that includes the good and the bad.  
     I am thankful this year for my family and for the time that God allowed me to have with my Mom.  We have been through such a hard time this year.  We have lost family members, some that God called home and others that have moved away to follow other paths in life.  Through all of this we have stuck together and supported each other.  I am not sure where I would be in this world without my family and all of their support, but I know I am far better off for having them.  I am thankful for my friends both old and new.  This year has strengthened the bonds that were already there but I have also seen healing in bonds that I once thought were broken forever.  I am thankful for all of the support and kindnesses shown to me by those who read this blog.  I am thankful for my Weight Watchers group for being an anchor and motivation for my journey to better health.
     I could honestly go on and list name after name and blessing after blessing but I want to focus on one blessing that is very, very dear to my heart.
     Those that may know me may be shocked that I would say that my big sister is one of my greatest blessings.  ANYBODY, that has known us growing up might even be shocked that I would say I liked her even a little  If you have a sister or brother then you can better understand how odd, or even love hate, a sibling relationship can be.  
     The words above could not be truer.  I could tell all sorts of stories from my youth and I am sure that my sister would claim that they are just that, stories.  We did indeed battle several times growing up.  It is odd and a bit troubling that I sit here chuckling as I type thinking about the bumps and bruises that we have caused each other. Rocks to heads, knives to throats, foul words, smacks, and perhaps, there is a rumor, that there were even some Barbie doll heads that may have been shaved and removed from the bodies and hidden in the wood pile, but that is just a RUMOR!  Odd and twisted as our relationship is and as lucky as I am that I survived to adulthood, I would not change one second of it.  My sister is one of my heroes and I can truthfully say I would not be here without her.  When I was two years old or so I fell head long into a bathtub full of water.  It just so happened that my sister had been using the tub at the time.  I don't remember any of this but as the story goes my sister grabbed me by the hair and held my head above water until my parents could help.  Now, even though I have a creeping suspicion, a Quanspiracy if you will, that she pushed me, just my opinion, she did indeed save my life.
     That says it all!  She is stuck with me and I could be no prouder to say I am stuck with her.  I love her so much and I am thankful everyday for her even if we don't like each other very much at times.  Besides, who else can I act like an unruly child in public places with.  I will always cherish the kind of smiles and memories that a couple of cherries and a lemon wedge can conjure.
     As much as I hate my picture taken, I am glad I have this one with my sister Becky.  Ain't we cute?!?!
     Now, enough with the blubbering and on to the numbers.  That is why we are all here right?  Here we go...
      As you can see I am down another 5 lbs. this week.  I have brought my total weight lost back down to 115 lbs. just 5 lbs. short to break even again.  Once I do that it's all profit baby!!  I would like to thank my friend Lori for buying me some exercise bands.  I have given them a whirl and I LOVE them.  Who would have thought that some simple rubber resistance bands could be such a good workout.  Well, I guess that would obviously have been the person selling them but now I know too!  I am starting a whole routine based around them and I will be posting some pics in the coming weeks.  I am also trying to get some various weights and bags to work out with.  I am excited to keep moving forward.  
     As I close this week out, I would challenge you all to step outside of your normal selves and just observe the blessings you may be over looking.  
     Just as it says folks.  What are you thankful for?  As we approach the day of turkey and delights, remember that this is a season of thankfulness.  Let us count our blessings and be thankful.  I look forward to hearing at least one thing each of you can be thankful for.  As a final word I will say this, remember, Thanksgiving is a time that we will all gather and enjoy a great meal and fellowship with our loved ones.  If you choose to eat freely then do so gladly keeping in mind that Thanksgiving is just one day and then get right back on track the next day.  Don't punish yourself for enjoying the day just be mindful to not fall off track all together.  As always, thank you so much for reading and supporting me and for continuing to inspire me to win this fight.  I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday.  Enjoy the time you have with you loved ones.  Laugh until you cry then laugh some more because those are the memories that will never leave you.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone and may God bless you all!  To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. What I'm thankful for is that I have a inspirational Blog to read each week! I'm also thankful new friendships. Great job this week again . Veronica
