This is a simple, yet poignant, statement. I know that it speaks to me and it is in my opinion, if you have dealt with or are dealing with weight issues, this speaks to you as well. Take a moment and think about it...
...Do you work a desk/computer job or spend excessive time at home on the computer? I do on both counts. Perhaps you feel that you don't do that so much, so consider this...
...Do you find yourself constantly checking your "smart" device? Could you go without checking it for a couple of days or are you a slave to it? I, myself, cannot say no to this. 
Perhaps we should call them "evil" or "diabolical" devices because having no need to move to find information or entertainment certainly doesn't seem "smart" to me. Again, however, I must plead guilty. I love having information and entertainment within a simple swipe of a finger. Ok, ok, maybe you think computers and "smart" devices aren't your thing. I offer to you this...
...Perhaps my own worst foe, THE DREADED TELEVISION OF DOOM!!! Think to yourself, and be honest. How many hours a week do you actually spend watching television? I think that the actual number may surprise you. I would be willing to wager that the majority of those hours watching our "friend" the television are spent planted firmly on our backsides.Now, please, do not take me wrong. I have examined my own life and found these areas were far, far out of control. I have had people bring it up in conversation this week in regards to their own lives. The message at Weight Watchers was also in regards to needing to be more active. I want to share with you some facts about how sitting too often and leading a sedentary lifestyle are harmful to us...
I know this chart is small so here is what it says about how sitting too long affects the body:
Blood clots that form after sitting too rigidly can travel to the brain, causing strokes.
Fluid retained in the legs during the day moves to the neck at night and contributes to obstructive sleep apnea.
In individuals who experience heart failure, fluid first backs up in the lungs.
A sedentary lifestyle contributes to cardiovascular disease. In people who suffer from heart failure and obstructive sleep apnea, fluid collects in the lungs and neck at night.
Physical activity reduces the risk of hypertension, or high blood pressure.
Sitting too much contributes to obesity and colon cancer. Enzymes in the blood vessels of muscles responsible for burning fat get shut off, and the body's method of metabolizing fuels such as glucose and lipids gets disturbed.
Fluid collects in the legs during sitting. Walking helps pump it out before it causes problems.
I can say that over the past years I have had to deal with several of these problems. It is only since I started this journey that I have really taken ownership of the fact that I am responsible for allowing this to be my burden. In the same breath, I say that I am now going to take ownership of the fact that I and I alone must be responsible for becoming more active. I have done so over the past months but not to my satisfaction. I need to be routine with my actions and I will. I was inspired this week when my sister commented to me that she was impressed that I walked much faster than I had been.
Now, I am not saying that we all have to become gym rats, but feel free to rat out if you are so inclined. Heck, get yourself some fine kettlebells and sing a song about a KETTLEBELL DAY!! What I am saying is, find what works for you and get active. Try doing leg lifts in your chair while watching TV. Walk up and down stairs an extra time or two. Park farther away from your destination and walk there. Get active! I am going to try to get this fine little contraption offered by Weight Watchers called the Activelink. It is an activity monitor that works with the program I am on. The more you are active the more points you get. I am setting small goals and pushing them further as I achieve them. I am hoping to be able to drop a few more pounds each week by upping the activity. I would ask those of you that talk to me to hold my feet to the flame on this one. If you see me feel free to ask me how I have been being more active. Maybe that will work for you as well. Find an "activity buddy" that you are accountable to. Lol..."activity buddy" sounds dirty...yes, yes, again I get it...I have the mind of a child...NO, I just find things funny! Laughter is a healing power, try it!
I will end this week's post with the numbers as usual...
Again, I have drop 1 lb. for a grand total of 121 lbs. gone!! Hopefully, as the weeks go on I will be increasing the amount lost but any amount lost is a victory in my eyes. I will say goodbye for this week and I will leave you with this. Try to unplug and become a bit more active. Remember, there is a world out there full of actual life. We should seek to experience life for ourselves rather than finding it in a digital form. As always, I thank you all for supporting me and showing me great love. I ask that you give me some feedback in the comments of the blog. Your feedback is a great motivator for me and I look forward to hearing from you. Please make sure to share this on your Facebook pages and twitters or hey just get out there and tell somebody about it. The more people we reach, the better the chance we can change somebody's life. Much love and God bless you all. VIVE LA FAT REVOLUTION!!! To be continued...
Great post mike ! Think we are all in need of less tv time and a more active lifestyle.. Dan D.